Christmas in Southern Italy is soft like a Potato Zeppole {doughnut}

Does this recipe contain natural ingredients? Yes, it does. Is this recipe healthy? Uhm… yes and no. It is healthy if you don’t go to sleep after eating it (also if you don’t eat fried food one month after and one month before :)). It is not healthy otherwise, especially if you get addicted to …

Quick and easy glass dessert with Italian liqueur “Fragolino”

Up for an easy creamy dessert in a glass? If so, my recipe could be inspirational to you. It’s a custard cream mixed with a fruity italian liqueur called Fragolino, excellent when served cold or used to finish ice creams and desserts off. This popular italian wine custard  prepared whisking egg yolks and sugar is called Zabaione, it is …

Chocolate Cranberry Brownie forever

I don’t like brownies and this dessert is not a brownie. Yes, it is named “Chocolate Cranberry Brownie” but it is somewhat different from the popular american sweet. I took advantage of the word “brownie”  to give an idea of the consistency: very dense and full in chocolate. Since it doesn’t contain flour, is a dessert …