From time to time it happens to hear warnings about coffee consumption. I do not care much about it since I know what’s the matter with coffee: it is a controversial and deeply debated beverage. No doubts, an excessive consumption of it it’s unhealthy: the addiction to caffeine can lead to chronic exhaustion and fatigue.But what if you are a moderate coffee consumer like me (with no addiction, I mean)?
A recent research by the Journal Of The National Cancer Institute has highlighted that coffee contains a lot of biological compounds with strong antioxidant activity.
The study has shown that non-caffeine elements of coffee may reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. Moreover coffee contains magnesium and chromium which help in assisting the body with using insulin.
This is a good period for coffee then. No chance you can confuse caffeine with nicotine. However there are still several ways you can make a cup of coffee unhealthy.
Ways to make coffee an unhealthy drink
- Don’t buy the organic powder so you can ingest your sacred daily dose of pesticides (coffee is a heavily sprayed crop);
- Drink it every time you feel tired, to awake your sleepy nervous system;
- Add lots of sugar or, even worse, artificial sweeteners (aspartame);
- Mix it with non organic milk and cream that contain growth hormones, antibiotics and pasteurized milk.
Coffee is not my preventive therapy against cancer, although I’m happy to know there is something potentially good in it, if I refrain from following these steps. For many years coffee has marked my time, representing a kind of punctuation of the day: it opened mornings, closed meals, filled pauses, marked the encounters between people around me.
“Let’s have a caffe’” meant “let’s have a break”, a pause generally not too long – just the time of a few sips and then straight back to work. That was the time of “espresso chats”.Moving to London I had to leave behind my espresso breaks. Coffee is devoid of a real social function here. I still prepare a little cup of coffee for myself, not for nostalgia but simply because I do feel like tasting the bitter strong drink that smoothly awakens my taste buds.
There are some moments in my life in London that can “taste” better with a coffee. Such as now, I’m home alone, I write this blog post while sipping some drops of this dark healthy poison, after spending a few minutes to prepare it and smelling his wonderful aroma.
I own an espresso coffee machine (Moka pot or “caffettiera” in italian – the brand is the popular Bialetti) and this is how I use it to make a real Italian espresso.
Any italian style coffee machine has three main components: the base with a pressure valve; the filter to keep the coffee separate from the water and the collecting chamber, the upper component, where the coffee goes into, in the end.
How to make a Moka Coffee
Unscrew the caffettiera counterclockwise, pour fresh water into the base up to the valve, embed the filter into it and fill it with the coffee powder (do not press it!).
Screw the collecting chamber on the base and put it on low-medium heat. When the dark liquid comes out from the two holes in the upper container, lower the heat.
When the liquid is completely out and the caffettiera emits a gurgling sound, remove from heat. Serve hot in cups made of porcelain or ceramic, add more or less sugar according to taste.