
Hello folks, top of the morning to you, how ya goin?

This is my very first Sunday post and me learning the slang. Useful English words and expressions, move away!

I am right now impulsively drawn by slang and urban language. Last week I was in Italy to spend some good family time (with my sister, in the pic above) and realized that nothing sounds more funny and uplifting to me than a joke in Neapolitan. In Napoli we even boast a restaurant that based its fortune on the local slang: the owner welcomes you with funny slang expressions and the waiters take fun of the customers. From Neapolitan language to English slang is but a short step.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress with the language (by the way, have you got something to share with me?). In the meantime let me start off this Sunday column here to share my TOP exceptional foodie likes. Likes other than the slang.

A wonderful Springtime pasta dish with sugar snap peas.

This is what I call wholesome snack.

I cannot resist something called Worlds Best Cake.

Can this be my breakfast everyday? It should be.

Oh, but this energizer amazing smoothie should pop up for breakfast too.

Colorful and healthy, I like you so much roasted carrots + rice w/ zingy turmeric broth.

This is sweet apotheosis and deification of a cake.

You love mango. You love margaritas. Hold on to your hat and sip this fabulous Mango Margarita.

Thai sweet potato nachos, love love love it.

Sexiest carrots ever on a bed of ricotta. Yum.

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  1. Nice shot from the cafe, ah, I want to lay on the beach right now, it’s a bit sunny here in Oregon, but a little bit windy. Sweet collection of recipe links, I recognized a few of them! Roasted carrots and rice with turmeric broth sounds really lovely, I’ve been obsessed with turmeric lately!