
Hello folks, I’m back! Did you realize I disappeared? I missed blogging and cooking quite a lot but since I was in the middle of a big-ass relocation I could not help but focus on finding a new home and settle down in Northern Ireland. After more than a week spent in the hotel I finally found a beautiful flat with lovely views on the river and large windows. I am now trying to get used to it (a tad too big for me, I have to walk from the kitchen to the bedroom which is uncommon if you rent in London).


On top of the relocation, I had to start a new job. Am I excused now for not being a prolific blogger?

I arrived here the day before St. Patrick’s day which is, you might agree, a very good timing. My first impression is that the atmosphere is significantly warmer than in the mainland. In the streets, I heard quite a few people wishing me “good morning” (What?!? Do I know you? I was incredulous). People are generally more relaxed than in London (after all Londoners are always busy and in rush, they don’t have time to be straightforward and kind).

But the local accent? “Could you please repeat it once more?”.  “I know it’s the tenth time you repeat this intelligible word but I am about to get it“. And the food? “Vegetables of the Day means frozen veggies, seriously?!. Ah”.

Yep, I still have to come to terms with the language and the cuisine. Aye.


During my comfortable hotel stay I had to eat out every day. I tortured my delicate stomach on a few occasions (fries, weird extra sweet Indian food, fries). Now that I finally have a kitchen again I can cook something healthier and possibly Mediterranean, according to the type of cuisine/diet that I like the most.

Tortilla is a Spanish recipe my Spanish best friend introduced me to a few years ago when I moved to London. We were in Paddington, West London, when she cooked this heartwarming omelette as appetizer for an abundant portion of Paella Valenciana. I am kind of nostalgic of those days, when I had nothing but curiosity and a sense of adventure.

It was an about-face moment: for the first time I was leaving my parent’s house, my friends, my country. This recipe is impressed so strongly in my memories for this reason. And this might be also the reason why now that I am moving to a new city again, the Tortilla Espagnola comes up vividly to my mind. Maybe I can call this “my life changing recipe”.

p.s. I already blogged about tortilla here. This time, inspired by my recent trip to Malaga, I sliced the potatoes thinly using a mandolin slicer. This made the recipe a lot quicker and the potatoes easier to cook. I served the omelette with a broccoli and chickpeas quickly marinated in extra virgin olive oil.

Now tell me:

Do you have a life changing recipe, a dish that has important memories associated with? 

Have you ever moved to a new city?

Have you ever struggled to get to grips with a local accent? 

Classic Spanish Omelette: The Tortilla

  • 4 medium sized potatoes (700-800 g)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 big onion (finely sliced)
  • rosemary
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Wash and peel the potatoes, then sliced them using a mandolin for thinner slices or a sharp knife for thicker ones. Finely chop the onion (I sliced it).
  2. Heat the olive oil in a pan and cook potatoes and onion, continuously stirring, until potatoes are cooked but not too tender.
  3. Remove the excess oil and keep aside.
  4. In a bowl, beat the eggs with salt and pepper. Transfer the cooled down potatoes in this bowl. Mix well add rosemary.
  5. Warm a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in the frying pan and cook the mixture potatoes/eggs for 5-8 minutes or until golden. Do not stir. Then with the help of a flat plate flip the tortilla of potatoes and cook the other side.
  6. Serve warm or cold, cut into slices or cubes, together with a salad.


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  1. This looks fantastic! I have been meaning, wanting and craving a spanish tortilla and this was just the reminder I need! It’s on the list of things to try. I hope you’re all settled in and enjoying it, I love Ireland! Bec x

  2. The new blog design looks very good! Also the logo turned out great!!
    Sth I realized was the slow loading time of this page. Maybe your photos are a bit too heavy?
    Awesome recipe though! Beforehand I was very anti eggs, but slowly I really enjoy them.
    I just moved to Berlin, definitely takes some time to get used to the city 🙂

  3. Dani!! I’ve missed talking to you. I apologize for not being all up in your blog’s face like I used to, but I’m going to try to change that. Congrats on your new job & new move to a new place in Ireland! I’ve never been, but you absolutely must take pictures of the countryside & just…pictures in general. Please, I beg of you. I’m dying to see more photos of Ireland, especially from a talented foodie & photographer like yourself!

    Also, love the revamp of your layout. Flashing pictures of recipes = da besttt, right?! hehe.

    This recipe looks so beautiful & delicious. I love Spanish Tortillas or pretty much anything that is dressed like a quiche without the crust. AMAZING. I’ll have to check this recipe out. I have a cheap mandolin myself, so I can now imitate you!! 🙂

    Lots of potatoes in Ireland, so you’ll have no trouble at all thinking of 1001 new things to do with potatoes. Potatoes & Leek…just kidding, that’s Welsh soup! hah! Now to answer your questions:

    Do you have a life changing recipe, a dish that has important memories associated with?
    -Yes & I just posted it & you already saw it! But, I also have a Vietnamese recipe that is my ultimate favorite Vietnamese soup, which my dad has passed me the thrown for queen of the kitchen from my mother.

    Have you ever moved to a new city?
    -Yep, from Huntington Beach, CA to LA to Boston, Massachusetts! I’m not surprised people are friendlier in Ireland, although I felt that people in London were pretty friendly too. I just love the UK. They’re definitely a lot nicer than….well…NYC hahaha.

    Have you ever struggled to get a grip on a local accent?
    Not really, but the only place that really had a discernible accent was when I lived in Brighton for 8 weeks. Although, now that I live in Boston….eh, still, it’s really rare to come across someone with a thick Bostonian accent. The Boston accent is a pretty terrible one though, I must say. Although I completely understand them, I can’t help but laugh a little when they talk. It’s the only place where “Korea” is what you do for a living & “career” is a country. Yep, that’s how they say Korea, “career” & they say career as “Korea.”

    Good luck with the Irish accent, it is indeed hard to understand sometimes. It’s why I put subtitles on whenever I watch any movie or TV show with an Irish or Scottish accent.

  4. So glad you’re back!! The blogging world missed you for sure! …but I totally get it! You were SO busy! Glad you’re settling down now and things seem to be going well! Better too big than too small though, right?! And SO glad you got a kitchen!! There’s nothing like homemade healthy eats when you have a sensitive tummy!! I know how ya feel! Good to have ya back… great recipe as well!! Looks healthy, nourishing, and oh-so delicious! YUM!

  5. Looking delish! I have never made a tortilla before but love potates in omelettes.. I should give this a go! Thanks for sharing, looks great.

  6. Daniella, this looks positively fantastic (and your photos are beautiful)! And congrats on moving to a new city! I haven’t moved in a long time, but I remember when I did, what an adjustment it was. I’m so glad you’re back blogging and I can’t wait to hear about your new adventures!