matcha-coconut-porridge-0026I have a thing about Matcha Green Tea. I guess I’m in love :). Since I tried it for the first time last week I’m having this precious powder two-three times a day, as a tea, latte and even in my porridge. Before I thought it was too expensive to fit in my grocery list. Now I’m ready to pay the full price (almost, I’m ordering it from China :)).

Its nutritional benefits are only part of the reason why I love it so much. Most probably it is its fascinating history that makes it so appetizing to me. When I read that during the Japanese tea ceremony, Matcha is used to convey feelings of respect through grace and good etiquette, it was clear to me that this vivid green powder has been used to create much more than beverage. It created and sustained a symbol of a culture based on harmony and efficiency.

Already in 13th century in Japan tea became a status symbol among the warrior class, tea-tasting and parties arose wherein contestants would compete to win extravagant prizes for guessing the best quality tea. At that time the best tea was produced in Kyoto from the seeds that a monk called Eisai, brought back on his return from China.

matcha-coconut-porridge-0019Not many years ago I had the chance to visit a beautiful Japanese garden in Buenos Aires, one of the largest gardens of its type in the World, outside of Japan. It was extremely well taken care of, very peaceful and elegant. Maybe even too perfect to be just a “natural” green space in the heart of the city. As soon as I walked into the gardens, I felt relaxed and, willing to make my visit last longer, I stopped by the restaurant for a cup of tea. I was served my tea in small clay tea bowl. When I asked for sugar, the waitress told me there is no such thing as sugar in the Japanese green tea.

There is no sugar in this porridge either (like in any other porridge I prepare for myself). For a totally different reason, though. However there’s more than water and Matcha powder in here: I think Japanese people will be probably horrified! But hey, this is not a tea. It is, probably, my favorite flavored oatmeal, where the combination matcha/coconut provides unique flavors, a subtle and delicate scent from green tea and a luscious coconut taste for a different breakfast.

Matcha Coconut Porridge (Vegan)

  • 4 tbs Porridge Oats
  • 3 tbs dried Coconut
  • 1 cup Oat Milk
  • 1/2 tsp or more Matcha Green Tea
  • Agave Nectar or any other sweetener
  • Goji Berries (optional)
  1. Heat oats, milk and dried coconut flakes in a pot, cook until the consistency you like. Remove from the stove and stir in Matcha.
  2. Add honey to taste. Enjoy with some nuts and/or goji berries.

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  1. What a gorgeous porridge, Daniela! When did you go to Buenos Aires?! I went there last fall for several months! There’s a really nice Japanese garden as well in downtown Portland, Oregon – and I thought it was a bit nicer than the one in Buenos Aires.

  2. Mmmmm I love Matcha Green tea as well! I’m not quite ready to hand over the big bucks to buy the fine quality matcha powder yet, but…maybe one day.

    Loved the short history lesson. Fantastic looking recipe & photos. 🙂 I’ll have to try this one day as I look for an alternative way to consume breakfast that doesn’t take shape in my bowl as cereal!

    I think instead of oat milk, I’ll try coconut milk. 😀 Thanks for sharing!

      1. Whaaaa. I don’t think I’ve ever seen oat milk before (which is why I thought to use coconut milk to sub)! The crazy things they come up with these days. I don’t even know where to find oat flour. Wait, probably Whole Foods haha!

  3. I would love to visit Japan one day. Your time there sounded magnificent and again, I always appreciate you sharing what you have learned.

    I’m a huge Matcha fan but I’ve only had it in the form of an iced latte or smoothie. I would have never thought to add it to porridge, or oatmeal, as Americans call it. I think it sounds amazing with the coconut!

  4. Yay, a recipe that I can find everything for here in China! I, too, like Matcha (probably not love, like you, though), but I do love that you can cook with it for green coloring!! And this is by far one of the most creative and simple breakfast ideas I’ve seen in awhile!! Pinning, following your boards, and hope to see more like this!