Christmas is time for gifts and a gruelling time for our finances. Shopping is one of the few  traditions able to withstand changing trends. Every time I make a resolution to buy less I end up buying more. There must be a scientific reason for this to happen! Moreover I buy and I regret soon after having made the purchase. Am I the only one?


Horse sense tells me that the right gift is the useful one. Experience tells me everybody already owns useful things.  Maybe 50% of our belongings is not really needed. Our houses serve as a temporary storage room for what will end up in a trash can, sooner o later. Hamlet doubts crowd in my mind while shopping for Christmas gifts. What should I do? This year I decided to make sure I buy something which is not already possessed. It’s a quite hard task, requiring investigations and time. It will potentially pay off, I believe.

Here is my list of gift ideas for food lovers. Nothing new, you can argue, just simple things for daily use. I cannot really see myself buying a fancy corkscrewer with a strange design. My gifts should reveal a bit of my personality. However something more innovative and eco-friendly still finds its space in this easy-conventional list.

A kitchen composter, for example, a bin adapted to receive the organic fraction of our trash to get compost, high quality fertilizer we can use to feed our plants (which is always better than feeding a landfill, don’t you think?).  A great idea if you know someone who has got a garden and/or plants.

gifts2creuset, cocktails utensilscomposter houseof fraser yes

Kitchen composter House of Fraser
Wine decanter
Acacia wood salad bowl / Cocktail utensils
Rolling pin / Honey jar dijon
Porcelain Black Teapot with Bamboo Handle
Wooden Wine Rack / Sugar shaker
Bamboo Hamper / Pasta Maker