Here is a list of the most delicious food I had in Cuba during my holidays last October. There are countless reasons to love Cuba and one is its food. Simple, natural, colorful. These images are a tribute to the recipes I loved the most during my an unforgettable stay there.
Fruit and smoothies are very popular in Cuba: pineapple, coconut, banana, papaya, guava and avocado. In particular, the banana, queen of the cuban tables, claims African origin and is cooked as a vegetable in several recipes. In Chicharritas, for example, where the plantain is cut in thin slices and fried, and Tostones, where slices of plantain about an inch thick are smashed and then cooked.
You may have heard it is advisable not to eat street food so to avoid food poisoning. Well, I followed many of the tips I found on various websites. Many but one. How to resist the authentic taste of food that nourishes people who do not show signs of fatigue or illness? I had street food several times and no issues at all. Best street food? Pizza, a soft tick dough topped it off with tomato, cheese, and mustard.
Cuban moros y cristianos, frijoles negros, tostones, piccadillos, salads with quimbombo, ropa vieja (braised meat with tomato sauce and peppers), plantains, yuca and more in general viandas. The ajiaco, in the end: a soup made with potatoes, bananas, corn, (beef or chicken in the non vegetarian option) served with congrí.
I’m vegetarian and during my trip I haven’t tried this very popular typically cuban meat based dish, Ropa Vieja (shredded beef).