caponata-0299Hello beauties!

I’m still travelling in Thailand. This second part of my trip is dedicated to some of the most beautiful islands on earth. Have you ever watched the movie The Beach, starring Leo Di Caprio? If so, you might imagine what kind of breathless landscape I am supposed to enjoy tomorrow when I’ll finally get to Koh Phi Phi Leh (The Beach of the movie).

Fingers crossed I’ll make it this time. I had already booked my day tour to this paradise a couple of days ago when I got “attacked” by a painful and weakening food poisoning.

caponataI was then forced to lay in bed with temperature and cramps instead of snorkeling off the coast of Koh Phi Phi. Meh. The place where I got sick, Railay beach, is not exactly known for genuine food. A discrete amount of restaurants for tourists can be found along the beach offering food that local people would never ever eat. Same old story: never blindly trust restaurants located in too popular areas. Now I know at my expenses that drinking fruit shakes can be risky in this country.

caponata-sicily-0306Anyhow, after a couple of days of only bottled water, bread and bananas I can say I am almost fully recovered. My appetite is back and I feel like blogging again. Believe me, over the last few days I could not even watch these pics of Sicilian Caponata without feeling sick and nauseated. Right now a plate of aubergine stew made with fresh cherry tomatoes and topped it off with crunchy almonds would make me a super happy travelling girl!

caponata-0291It’s a rainy day here in Koh Lanta. I’m a few steps away from a fantastic beach but I can only engage in “standard” indoor activities (such as blogging :)). Kind of frustrating. It is pouring cats and dogs since morning.  Maybe it is time to wear the rain jacket and explore the surroundings outside. So green, so tropical, so wet. Wish me luck!

Sicilian flavors with Caponata (Eggplant and roasted Pepper stew)

  • 3 Aubergines (cut into chunks)
  • 2 Pepper
  • 150 gr green olives
  • 100 cherry tomatoes
  • 50 gr tomato concentrate
  • 1 tablespoons oregano
  • 50 capers (rinsed and drained)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tablespoons wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons almonds (lightly toasted (optional))
  • olive oil (I used 1/3 glass)
  • salt to taste
  1. Cut the eggplant into chunks, sprinkle with salt and let them soak for 10 minutes to remove the bitterness. Drain. Fry in hot oil and leave to drain thoroughly. Set aside.
  2. Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7.Cut the peppers in half. Remove the seeds and the membranes. Roast them for 30 mins until soft and slightly blackened then emove from oven and cover with cling film until cool. Peel away the skins and cut in stripes.
  3. Cut the onion and garlic into thin slices and saute everything for a couple of minutes in a separate pan with olive oil. Add the olives, peeled peppers, capers, cherry tomatoes, sugar and cook for 1 minutes. Add the tomato concentrate and salt. Drizzle over the vinegar. When all the vinegar has evaporated simmer for around 15 minutes or until tender.
  4. Finally add the previously fried eggplant and the oregano, let cook for few minutes, then sprinkle with almonds. Serve cold (I think this dish tastes better when cooled down!).

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  1. Anything with eggplant and tomato reminds me so much of italy! Lovely recipe! I might just make my own and dream of being in Italy, one of my favourite places! Bec x

  2. Oh no, sorry to hear about the food poisoning! Although by now I’m sure that you’ve fully recovered 🙂

    I love eggplant but unfortunately I developed an allergy to it awhile back! I think I ate so much eggplant parm that I sort of developed this intolerance to it. I haven’t had it in a few years and I’m sort of curious to try it again sometime though (with Benadryl close by!).

  3. Eggplant is a “fruit” I am completely drawn to! I ADORE IT and in fact, I am releasing an eggplant recipe this Tuesday – I cannot call it my own though, but I can call it… MAD GOOD!!! 🙂 This recipe looks top notch!!! I would ditch the sugar and then throw my mouth around it! ha!

  4. I was just snooping through your Instagram photos and your trip looks unbelievable. I do remember that movie and thinking how much it looked like a dream at that beach. Until Leo goes nuts, lol.

    I’m sorry to hear you had food poisoning. That’s awful. But I’m glad you felt up to posting this- it looks like pure comfort! I will keep my fingers crossed that the rain clears and you can make it to Koh Phi Phi Leh!