20130804-DSC_0229Can I have a chat with you today? What are you doing? Right now I’m in a quite neighborhood in zone 1-zone 2, 10 minute walking from one of the most iconic place of the British capital, the Tower of London. It feels good here, with a warming cup of green tea and a blanket over me.

“Threw glory over me like a blanket”.

Warmth and coziness are just what my mind needs to roam around other destinations. Last summer I spent one day in New York and I know why I’ve never told you about it.

It was a strange day in the big Apple, when I tried to be bit adventurer and a bit  blithe. It ended up being an overwhelming experience. On Saturday night I found myself in Times Square dazed and confused. I could not think clearly, my head was spinning, I wanted to speak with someone but at the same time I could not say a word. Today I feel like being there again and enjoying better the city that once used to be one of my biggest dreams. I think I am ready to tell you something about my only day in NY through these pics.

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Have you ever been to the Big Apple? How was your stay?

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  1. First of all, Tower of London was probably my favorite place that I visited in London, I just loved it (so much). Also bonus, they actually sell a pretty solid fudge brownie there too. 😉 I’m in NY but often I think about moving to London, so seems like we’re opposite soul sisters today…

  2. Oh my God!! Why did you do this to me?? After seeing these pictures I almost cried because I miss NYC soooooo much!!! Every photo brought back a ton of memories! I’m disappointed you did not enjoy your stay, I understand it’s because of how hectic NYC can be, especially for tourist. I’m sure your going to love it next time!