water-melon-juice-0599It’s been almost a week that I (almost) don’t eat “empty carbs” (on Monday I had a dinner out in a Neapolitan pizzeria. Little exception). I am determined to take a break from eating my favorite foods (aka pasta and bread) as a sort of experiment: I want to see if I can get my body accustomed to a different and more diversified diet. Carbs are  fundamental nutrients in everybody’s life. It would be a huge mistake to totally ban them.

We all know that not all carbohydrates have same benefits, though. Whole-grain foods provide fiber, vitamins, and many other nutrients that we cannot find in a yummy dish of spaghetti (what a great injustice).  What I am escaping from is the empty carbohydrates, I mean sweet things, sugary drinks, cookies, white bread, those delectable foods that offer no nutritional value, they just fill you up and that’s about it.

water-melon-juice-0612Here is why even for my drinks I never ever use sugar (carbs are processed and turned into simple sugar by the body, eventually). I stopped sweetening my coffee a couple years ago. It was the very first step I made to “move” my preferences towards more natural  ingredients and appreciate the flavor of each single food. Coffee must be bitter, green tea must taste like grass an earthy drink, fruit juice must only come with sugars naturally occurring in the fruit. Also, I’d rather eat more fatty foods like avocado rather than buying low fat products that manufacturers made palatable by replacing fat with sugars.

Last but not least, I try to drink more. Whenever I have time I make a refreshing aqua fresca,  a drink that’s supposed to be made by simply mashing the fruit with a fork or masher before adding the water. I cannot stop adding to it a pinch of laziness (which is so part of me!) and make everything in a blender. One day I will win my battle against empty carbs and start considering to fight against my indolence. Not now, though… one step at a time.


Watermelon and Peach Agua Fresca

  • 1 cup cold water
  • 1 cup watermelon (rind removed, seeded and chopped)
  • 2 peaches
  • Juice of 1/2 lime
  • Ice cubes (optional)
  1. Cut the watermelon into cubes. Peel the peaches and cut into small pieces.
  2. In a blender combine water, watermelon, peach and lime juice for about 1 minute.
  3. Pour through a strainer into a pitcher, forcing through most of the pulp. Chill at least 20 minutes before serving. Serve with or without ice cubes.

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  1. What a refreshing drink, watermelon is a lovely ingredient in agua fresca! I love them as gazpachos, too! It’s hard to avoid carbs esp where there are delicious homemade bread and pasta in front of me ;( Good luck with the carb-free challenge!

  2. I have orders from my doctor to reduce carb intakes. It’s the toughest ever and I’m glad you are trying to detox as well. Good luck to us both.

    I’d take a few liters of this refreshing agua fresca in a heartbeat 😀

  3. Trying to avoid carbs is a never ending battle. I can’t learn to live without them so instead I try to burn them all off by staying active. That way I can have as much agua fresca as I want! 🙂

    This sounds so refreshing and perfect for summer. Love!