I feel much better. Thanks for all your well wishes!
A couple of days with high temperature did not bring me down as much as a few hours of acute laryngitis that left me 100% mute. No voice through my vocal chords. Someone here might have enjoyed the tranquility originated from my temporary mutism but for me… well, it was a pain not being able to sing O Sole Mio.
Can you hear my loud writing now? I’m back and I’m healthier than ever. Or at least, I am trying to be. Since I’ve got 2-3 kg to get rid of I started visiting a gym, keeping my meals light and eating (almost) daily the ice cream cone with chocolate flake, 99 p style.
C’mon, don’t judge me. Maybe you think that an ice cream a day doesn’t fit in a low calorie diet. Of course, it doesn’t! I know for a fact that most of us want to get slimmer (it’s a classically conceived axiom) and each of us has a strategy. Mine is an ice cream that fits perfectly with my quest for happiness. That’s enough, for now. For all the rest, there’s a giant CousCous salad and my new workout plans. There’s this infernal rowing machine that will help me sweat off some fat. Something like that.
Anyhow, at the end of the day it’s not my fault if there’s a 24 hr McDonald’s 2 minutes far from home. Sigh.
Giant Whole Wheat CousCous and Butter Bean Salad
- 100 g cherry tomatoes (washed and halved)
- 1 cup giant couscous
- 1 Tbsp lemon juice
- 1 can butter beans (drained)
- 1 cup curly kale leaves
- 3 Tbsp olive oil
- salt and pepper to taste
- In a pan, cook the beans with 1 Tbsp olive oil for 2-3 minutes.
- Boil the giant couscous for 6-8 mins. Meanwhile, combine 2 tbsp olive oil with the lemon juice and pour over kale.
- Drain couscous and mix with dressing, kale, tomatoes and butter beans. Serve with a small handful roughly chopped basil leaves on top.
This salad looks so yummy!! I’m glad you are feeling better, Daniela. xo
A delicious salad and great summer dish!
Daniela, this looks so tasty ! I haven’t seen you on FB in a long while and was wondering where you were. I missed your posts !
Thanks Michal. You’re right, I become disaffected FB user! Thanks for stopping by here 🙂
Oh my gosh – this salad looks AMAZING! Those photos are gorgeous and made my mouth-water! What a great looking recipe!!! And, I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling better.
The salad looks wonderful, Daniela! I put up your link on my sidebar, btw. 🙂 I just have to add you to my other page too, the “friends” one that no one seems to look at anyway.
Glad you’re feeling better, but it seems like you’re not fully recovered. Get fully recovered & well soon! It helps to stay away from McDonald’s!!!! Eat your veggies, you know you’re good at that (this blog is a testament to the veggies)! Lots of rest & good soup. Chicken noodle soup is supposed to be a good one, but since neither of us eat chicken, I’d say, go for the classic minestrone or vegetable medley soup to get better in no time!
Maybe instead of ice cream, you should try making some ice pops or homemade sorbet. That’ll satisfy your craving for something sweet without the calories. But realistically, what matters more? The ingredients or the calories? The ingredients! So of course, utilizing the fresh fruits you have around your house to make some good ice cream is much better than going off to McDonald’s to get that cone. 😉
How nice of you, Tiffany! Yep, I am done with McDonalds, for now 🙂 I’ve been terribly lazy recently. I agree with you, it’s all about ingredients, that’s why we like to cook our own genuine food.
This looks amazing! Love the flavours- so fresh and colourful!
This looks refreshing and healthy. A great lunch option to make ahead and keep in the fridge!
This large couscous is my FAVOURITE! Its just the best texture and I have a thing about ‘little carbs’ (angel hair pasta, couscous, risotto, baby gnocchi) so this is right up my alley. I made an israeli Couscous with this large pearl couscous and it went down a treat however I will try yours. Looks delicious.
Glad to know you’re feeling better!
And hey, ice cream should be a part of a healthy lifestyle since it’s good for the soul hehe *eating ice cream as I’m typing this ooops*, so don’t worry! This lovely salad sure makes up for the “damage” 😉 It looks super fresh and delicious!
I totally agree with your strategy of an ice cream a day helps you in your “quest for happiness” – in fact, am gonna join you on that 🙂
I love butter beans – and love your pairing – and thank you for introducing me to giant cous cous – I don’t think I’ve ever seen it or tasted it before.
Glad you are feeling better