blueberry-truffle-1There would be many things to say about chocolate. If heaven had a taste it would be similar to the taste of chocolate. I could go on and on with praises to this magnificent invention of the human creativity. Appropriate for every occasion, both for happy and sad moments (don’t we indulge in chocolate to find in it some comfort sometimes?), chocolate is popular and commonly enjoyed everywhere in the world. Almost everywhere.

trufflesI don’t want to write redundant words about chocolate. I don’t even want to convince you that making some truffles is highly rewarding and not that complicate as it seems. I wanna tell you the story of the very first bite of chocolate, instead. A story that I bet the majority of us don’t know yet. Maybe, like me, you will find something beautifully naive in the reaction of these cocoa “producers”. Chocolate became sweeter for me since I watched the video below. Sweeter and a bit bitter at the same time.


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  1. WOW!! These look amazingly delicious! Beautiful pictures! I LOVE chocolate! It is so delicious! …this is so sweet when he tries the chocolate for the first time… I hear what you say about it being a little ‘bitter’ though… I wish they could have chocolate everyday!

  2. Aw darn, Daniela, it turns out I never actually get any emails when you reply to my comments. 🙁 🙁 I wonder if it just goes straight to spam! But anyway, I’ll pin this recipe to keep in mind for my mom 🙂

  3. Whoaaa wonderful recipe! I see you’ve got a bit of spam above there with those juicing spam bots!

    Anyway, the photos look absolutely gorgeous, Daniela! I just saw this video today actually & it made me so happy & sad. These men make the essential ingredients for chocolate & had never tasted it until that very moment. That’s so amazing though, that someone finally gave them some chocolate to taste. Makes them really appreciate their work, but it’s also so sad that they have no idea what goes on outside of their world that they believe white men are healthy because of chocolate consumption. Little do they know, we’ve got an obesity pandemic! But anyway, so great! I’ll refer back to this recipe when the holidays come around. My parents LOVE chocolate so they’ll love this, given that it’s not too sweet.

    1. Yeah Tiff, so much spam recently. And all about juicing, must be because of summer :). The feeling I’ve got is similar to yours, surprise and sadness. It’s incredible they the thought cocoa beans can be used for wine! Like your parents, I don’t enjoy too sweet chocolate, this should be fine for them.

  4. Oooooohhhhh nnnnnooooo, Daniela!!! I MUST look away from this post. I must!!! This looks absolutely amazing and I think I might eat ALL of them!!! Chocolate, cream, rum and blueberries? Girl, you should NOT go there. Because this is totally PINNED! 🙂