chestnutsmoothie-0040There are days, I know, I should refrain from sharing recipes. It’s not always a good day to switch on the laptop and send bits of yourself or your food everywhere (or nowhere; internet is a non space).

But I am coming to a point in my blogging adventures where I feel surrounded by lovely understanding souls: readers or bloggers to form a community of imaginary friends in my mind, and it doesn’t feel that wrong anymore if it’s not a day of great crafts or inspiration, if mobile stops working, laziness is taking possession of my body and out there is a city I cannot keep up with (this week I experienced “slips, trips or falls” on London tube escalator).

chestnutsmoothie-0033So I can even share this with you today, which is same as sharing my laziness, my lethargy, my quality of being unwilling to get things done or use energy, all those things that led me to nothing more than a smoothie for lunch.

Considering that it was the outcome of my dullness, I am surprisingly delighted by its taste: good to drink/eat little creamy, dense and satisfying (for a couple of hours) smoothie. You know I LOVE smoothies, I can have a green tea pumpkin shake as a snack or a coffee banana smoothie for breakfast. But I still want my lunch to end up in a plate (possibly a large one) and not in a glass or cup.

chestnutsmoothie-0044As suspected, I got hungry in the afternoon. This smoothie is not skinny but doesn’t contain sugars or heavy cream either, Β it’s good to keep you going for a couple of (lazy) hours and provide minerals and fibers contained in chestnuts. Have I gathered my energy for feeding my body properly at the end of the “smoothie fuel”? Naaa, I just tried out another super lazy recipe (soon to come). Those “asleep on the job” days, you know…

Now please tell me – I’m curious – what do you prepare when you are extra lazy and can’t even raise a fork?

Chestnut & Yogurt Smoothie

  • 3 tablespoons chestnut puree
  • 3 tablespoons Greek yogurt
  • 1/3 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup soy milk
  • 1 handful pumpkin seeds
  1. Mix all the ingredients together except the pumpkin seeds in a blender and blend at high power until smooth (about 30 seconds).
  2. Top it off with seeds and enjoy!

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  1. We brought back jars of chestnut puree from Paris and they were so good in soya yogurts. We learned that these chestnut puree were placed under these soya yogurts and they provided the chestnut flavor and sweetness to the bland yogurt. I would love to do this back home here sometimes, esp with some pumpkin seeds like yours! Thanks for bringing a memorable Parisan delight back!

  2. Your smoothie looks so rich and yummy! I love anything with chestnut πŸ˜‰
    Hope you’ve recovered from those little accidents on the london tube escalator.
    Take care!

  3. I’ve never tried a smoothie with chestnuts in it. It looks very inviting.
    Daniela , I think you should have more lazy days like this one if the outcome is so delicious πŸ™‚

  4. Such BIG, bold, beautiful, honest photos with amazing clarity! Who wouldn’t want to try that satiny smoothie when it looks that inviting?

    Marvelous post, darling.
    I’ll come back here, for sure πŸ™‚